Tuesday 31 July 2012


Wow my thighs are sore.

Managed 48 squats and 155 lunges.  I like to keep score so I figured the 2 seconds wasted every round writing down my reps is time well spent if it means I push harder next time I do this workout.

So exercise challenge starts tomorrow.  Think Ill be doing the workouts at home as the room I was going to use at work is full of tables, go figure lol.  Maybe if we finally get a summer I could do them outside on my lunch but doubtful.

I hope I can manage ZWOW 1 tomorrow with my sore legs, probs wasnt wise to push myself so hard tonight with a long hard workout planned tomorrow but Im sure I will manage.  I didnt do ZWOW 1 the first time around, hadnt found Zuzana again until ZWOW 8 i think, so will be a new challenge for me.  About to check it out and remind myself of how scary it is.  The fact the video is in 2 parts worries me lol.

Wish me luck and if anyone wants to join me, please comment below and we can do this together :)


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