Friday 17 August 2012

ZWOW Challenge - Day 17

Day 17 - workouts 13

So maybe I missed a few, whoops.
I missed one and managed to catch up but as always once you have missed one you give yourself permission to skip more thinking you can catch up, well life had other plans for me.  I guess I cant just blame life, my fat ass is also going to take some blame, I had chances to double up and I didnt.

Just going to do the best I can and try better next time, figure cant ask for more than that.  At least Im not quitting, I will continue unlike with other programmes where I usually get so far behind I just say 'F**K it' and quit.

So ZWOW 14 tonight, looks like a rough one, 5 rounds!!  And I have a Lemon Meringue pie calling my name, going to take all my will power to get my butt on the workout floor before the fridge calls to me lol.

Em xx

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