Saturday 4 August 2012

ZWOW Challenge - Day 4

I am so pleased with myself for not quitting yet, isnt that really sad?  Its only been 3 days but I am still proud.  I am not one for sticking to anything but this I will stick to, I know it.  I just love the workouts so much and if I cannot commit at max 30 mins a day for one month for myself then I really have a problem.

I dont know if I did ZWOW 3 wrong, I re-watched the video after I finished and I did all the moves correctly and the correct reps, I even did a few more as I got carried away and yet when it was finished I had knocked, I think, 3 minutes of Zuzanas time and I wasnt even tired or sore.  Maybe because there was no burpees lol.  They are the killer I think, so not a fan of ZWOW 3, I like to feel the burn.  I was sweaty dont get me wrong but after ZWOW 1 and 2 I really felt like I might die and I had trouble getting out of bed the next day.  We see how I do with ZWOW 4, it has burpees and 2 mins of skipping.  Should be good.

Thats all for now.


Wow did ZWOW 4 kick my butt!!  I have never been so sweaty or knackered in all my life, I looked like Id already been in the shower by the time I was finished.  Bring on tomorrows workout, YEAH!!


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