Thursday 24 August 2023

Introvert Life

  So let me just premise this post by saying I am not a psychologist, this post is simply my view and experience of the world before, during and after the covid 19 pandemic.  I am in no way saying this is how anyone else feels and I do not mean to cause anyone any offense.  Please also note this post is meant as a metaphor, and I am not making any judgements about the physical strength of introverts or extroverts. 

Social Behaviour as a bag of sand

Imagine a world where as soon as you start to walk and talk you are given a bag of sand. You are told by your parents that you MUST carry this bag of sand with you always, it is your social responsibility, your bag of social behaviour, social expectations.  This message is enforced by everyone you ever meet; from teachers in school, adverts you see on TV and by your government.

When you start school you are given a bigger bag of sand to carry, right on your first day. As you go through school you watch how others cope with carrying their bags of sand.  The majority of kids at school seem to enjoy carrying it. It makes them feel powerful and confident, the more sand they add to their bags the more powerful and confident they feel. The bag of sand seems to be part of them, like an arm or a leg, some don't even seem to notice they are carrying it.

However, you feel out of place. Always aware of the big bag of sand weighing you down like a burden on your shoulders. You dream of being like the other kids, wishing you were different but you just cant seem to get a good enough hold on the bag for it to feel comfortable or natural, the way it seems for everyone else. The confident kids seem to notice and target those who struggle to hold their bags or those who have small bags of sand, perhaps they see them as weak, unable to hold the bag of sand up high and fill it to the brim.  The easy option is to pretend to be like everyone else, act as they do even though it leaves you feeling drained and exhausted. Sometimes those of us who struggle band together, unite to carry the burden together.

As you enter adulthood you are more used to the bag, although still a burden you have managed to get the weight to an almost comfortable level. Still it seems like everyone is always offering you more sand for your bag, every night after work, every Christmas or Birthday.  It feels rude to always decline so you take on more sand to keep others happy, to try and blend in, be like everyone else.  You are confused by everyone in the world, choosing to carry bigger and bigger bags of sand. It just seems to make them stronger, while you simply feel buried under the pressure.

You start to really think there is something wrong with you, why are you so weak? why is no one else struggling? Is it going to be like this forever?  Always pretending, just to have a place in the world.

The New World

The government announces everyone must put down their bags of sand and tells us that we don't know how long it will be until you can pick them up again.

You put down your bag and its like fireworks go off.  You suddenly feel unburdened, full of energy, full of life.  Is this how everyone else felt while carrying the bag of sand?  Finally I feel confident, finally I feel powerful, finally I belong!!

This new rule goes on for many months, spanning into years. You hear stories of people struggling in the new world just as you struggled in the old one. They seem unable to survive without the bag of sand, they feel lost, broken. Some, you hear, even break the rules. They carry their bags of sand, they just cannot help themselves. You feel compassion for these people as you know what it feels like to struggle to do what the world asks of you, but you also feel a little baffled. How can people not see this way of life is better? 

Slowly as time goes on, your confidence grows.  You feel happy and content, secretly pleased that everyone now has to live in a world designed for you and people like you. 

Back to the Old World

As always, all good things must come to an end.  Eventually the government starts to tell people they must pick up their bags of sand again.  It is what is best for everyone, they tell you.  

Those who struggled in the new world seem to have the same experience you did, they go from feeling weak and powerless to once again feeling powerful and confident, however they don't seem to have the compassion you felt for them.  They simply do not see that some of us do not enjoy constantly carrying the bag of sand, some of us would rather just put it down and never pick it up again.  Some people are even insulted or angered by the thought of you not wanting to carry the sand, thinking you lazy or broken in some way. You now know the bag of sand has no benefits for you, it is simply a burden you are forced to carry so others can feel powerful while they carry theirs.  

So you do as you are told, you pick up your bag of sand.  But now you know what life is like without the bag of sand, it seems so much heavier. You empty out as much sand as you can and carry it when you have to but, without guilt, you put it down when it gets too heavy. Some people judge you for putting down your bag but now it doesn't bother you when people point, stare and whisper, it doesnt make you feel weak. You know those people just don't understand the need to put the bag down.  You feel proud to know that you survived in their world for decades but they cannot survive in yours for even a short time.  

You finally learn that the bag of sand is a lie, its not what is best for everyone and you are hurting only yourself by forcing yourself to carry it. You have confidence of self and compassion for others, which makes you a fuller, more rounded person than carrying a bag of sand not designed for you ever could.

Saturday 30 August 2014

Getting rid of cystitis FAST!!


So I dont drink enough water, I know everyone can say this but I really dont, I might drink maybe a glass or two a day, and if I do this for a few days in a row then I get cystitis.  I know this happens every time and yet I still forget to drink water.

So after many, many years of this I feel I have become an expert in getting rid of cystitis fast.  My way will be the total opposite of what you read on every other website and of course I am not a doctor, but this works for me and will cure your cystitis in 1-3 hours instead of 1-3 days!!

So first thing to do is catch it early.  Once you feel that tickle when you pee do the following:

1.  Grab one of those cystitis relief sachets, I use the boots brand but they all the same.  Down it with about 100-150ml of water, you dont want to dilute it too much.

2.  Get your phone or stop watch and go as long as you can without peeing, while sipping water.  If you are suffering bad, try for at least 10 minutes then add 5 minutes after each time you pee.  I find once you can go an hour without peeing you will be fine.

3.  When you have finished peeing, GET OFF THE TOILET.  I know it is tempting to sit there for a few minutes just in case you have more in there, dont do it.  Pee, embrace the pain at the end, wipe and get up!!

Reasons to not pee

So you have taken your medicine, it needs time to work and kill the bacteria in your bladder, if you pee it out straight away then it will not work, which is why you end up taking 6 sachets instead of just 1 and spending more money on a 'cure'.

Tips to go longer without peeing (some of these will be really unorthodox)

  • Take a shower, yes running water might not be such a great idea, but it will make you feel clean and might get rid of some of that bacteria.  This wash is amazing:
  • Moisturise your privates, you can use a vaginal moisturiser or regular lube, I find I feel so dry when I have cystitis, maybe from all the peeing I dont know, but this will seriously make you more comfortable.
  • Controversial idea but masturbate.  Create some natural moisture down there, plus apparently thinking about sex tells the brain not to pee, I dont find this works for me but it might for some people.
Tips to stop getting it again (I need to follow my own advise here)
  • Drink more water, obvious but easier said than done.
  • Make sure you rinse yourself down there after you shower.
  • Try not to shower more than once a day and if you do moisturise down there
  • Use an antibacterial wash, I have used those 'intimate' washes and they are terrible, really dry you out but using either the wash linked above or a simple antibacterial hand wash is great.  Also hand washes are perfect as they tend to include moisturisers as they expect you to wash your hands more than any part of your body.
So there is my quick advise out into the world.  I have a feeling I might get some complaints as what I say is totally opposite to what is said online but this works for me, tried and tested method.  If it doesnt work for you then grab your cranberry juice and pee whenever you need to but that advise never helped me, especially when you need to pee ALL THE TIME when you have cystitis.

Saturday 1 September 2012

Challenge Over - Fail

So the ZWOW challenge was a bust.  Hurt my back and couldnt workout.  My own fault, I started skipping the cool downs as I was too tired.

So now is the choice, do I start again from ZWOW 1, pick up where I left off or just go back to ZWOW 3 times a week when she uploads one?!?!?!


Friday 17 August 2012

ZWOW Challenge - Day 17

Day 17 - workouts 13

So maybe I missed a few, whoops.
I missed one and managed to catch up but as always once you have missed one you give yourself permission to skip more thinking you can catch up, well life had other plans for me.  I guess I cant just blame life, my fat ass is also going to take some blame, I had chances to double up and I didnt.

Just going to do the best I can and try better next time, figure cant ask for more than that.  At least Im not quitting, I will continue unlike with other programmes where I usually get so far behind I just say 'F**K it' and quit.

So ZWOW 14 tonight, looks like a rough one, 5 rounds!!  And I have a Lemon Meringue pie calling my name, going to take all my will power to get my butt on the workout floor before the fridge calls to me lol.

Em xx

Thursday 9 August 2012

ZWOW Challenge - Day 9

So this is going really really well, first challenge I have ever stuck to and Im loving it.

So I weighed in on day 7 and I have lost 3.5lbs!  Awesome.  Going to weigh in once a week.

I was supposed to be doing this challenge with my friend from work but due to family commitments she is putting the challenge off until next month.  I might repeat the challenge with her.  See what my results are like.

So far I have had sore legs, bum and today my abs are killing me, just need sore arms and I am complete!!


Saturday 4 August 2012

ZWOW Challenge - Day 4

I am so pleased with myself for not quitting yet, isnt that really sad?  Its only been 3 days but I am still proud.  I am not one for sticking to anything but this I will stick to, I know it.  I just love the workouts so much and if I cannot commit at max 30 mins a day for one month for myself then I really have a problem.

I dont know if I did ZWOW 3 wrong, I re-watched the video after I finished and I did all the moves correctly and the correct reps, I even did a few more as I got carried away and yet when it was finished I had knocked, I think, 3 minutes of Zuzanas time and I wasnt even tired or sore.  Maybe because there was no burpees lol.  They are the killer I think, so not a fan of ZWOW 3, I like to feel the burn.  I was sweaty dont get me wrong but after ZWOW 1 and 2 I really felt like I might die and I had trouble getting out of bed the next day.  We see how I do with ZWOW 4, it has burpees and 2 mins of skipping.  Should be good.

Thats all for now.


Wow did ZWOW 4 kick my butt!!  I have never been so sweaty or knackered in all my life, I looked like Id already been in the shower by the time I was finished.  Bring on tomorrows workout, YEAH!!


Wednesday 1 August 2012

ZWOW Challenge - Day 1

So wow, day one and Im knackered.  My butt has defiantly taken a beating, it was sore after yesterdays zwow workout never mind all those pistol squats today.  Knackered and very sweaty.

Glad I did it, did a 5km cycle aswell, feeling great.  Time for a shower and chilling on the sofa I think.
