Saturday 1 September 2012

Challenge Over - Fail

So the ZWOW challenge was a bust.  Hurt my back and couldnt workout.  My own fault, I started skipping the cool downs as I was too tired.

So now is the choice, do I start again from ZWOW 1, pick up where I left off or just go back to ZWOW 3 times a week when she uploads one?!?!?!


Friday 17 August 2012

ZWOW Challenge - Day 17

Day 17 - workouts 13

So maybe I missed a few, whoops.
I missed one and managed to catch up but as always once you have missed one you give yourself permission to skip more thinking you can catch up, well life had other plans for me.  I guess I cant just blame life, my fat ass is also going to take some blame, I had chances to double up and I didnt.

Just going to do the best I can and try better next time, figure cant ask for more than that.  At least Im not quitting, I will continue unlike with other programmes where I usually get so far behind I just say 'F**K it' and quit.

So ZWOW 14 tonight, looks like a rough one, 5 rounds!!  And I have a Lemon Meringue pie calling my name, going to take all my will power to get my butt on the workout floor before the fridge calls to me lol.

Em xx

Thursday 9 August 2012

ZWOW Challenge - Day 9

So this is going really really well, first challenge I have ever stuck to and Im loving it.

So I weighed in on day 7 and I have lost 3.5lbs!  Awesome.  Going to weigh in once a week.

I was supposed to be doing this challenge with my friend from work but due to family commitments she is putting the challenge off until next month.  I might repeat the challenge with her.  See what my results are like.

So far I have had sore legs, bum and today my abs are killing me, just need sore arms and I am complete!!


Saturday 4 August 2012

ZWOW Challenge - Day 4

I am so pleased with myself for not quitting yet, isnt that really sad?  Its only been 3 days but I am still proud.  I am not one for sticking to anything but this I will stick to, I know it.  I just love the workouts so much and if I cannot commit at max 30 mins a day for one month for myself then I really have a problem.

I dont know if I did ZWOW 3 wrong, I re-watched the video after I finished and I did all the moves correctly and the correct reps, I even did a few more as I got carried away and yet when it was finished I had knocked, I think, 3 minutes of Zuzanas time and I wasnt even tired or sore.  Maybe because there was no burpees lol.  They are the killer I think, so not a fan of ZWOW 3, I like to feel the burn.  I was sweaty dont get me wrong but after ZWOW 1 and 2 I really felt like I might die and I had trouble getting out of bed the next day.  We see how I do with ZWOW 4, it has burpees and 2 mins of skipping.  Should be good.

Thats all for now.


Wow did ZWOW 4 kick my butt!!  I have never been so sweaty or knackered in all my life, I looked like Id already been in the shower by the time I was finished.  Bring on tomorrows workout, YEAH!!


Wednesday 1 August 2012

ZWOW Challenge - Day 1

So wow, day one and Im knackered.  My butt has defiantly taken a beating, it was sore after yesterdays zwow workout never mind all those pistol squats today.  Knackered and very sweaty.

Glad I did it, did a 5km cycle aswell, feeling great.  Time for a shower and chilling on the sofa I think.


Tuesday 31 July 2012


Wow my thighs are sore.

Managed 48 squats and 155 lunges.  I like to keep score so I figured the 2 seconds wasted every round writing down my reps is time well spent if it means I push harder next time I do this workout.

So exercise challenge starts tomorrow.  Think Ill be doing the workouts at home as the room I was going to use at work is full of tables, go figure lol.  Maybe if we finally get a summer I could do them outside on my lunch but doubtful.

I hope I can manage ZWOW 1 tomorrow with my sore legs, probs wasnt wise to push myself so hard tonight with a long hard workout planned tomorrow but Im sure I will manage.  I didnt do ZWOW 1 the first time around, hadnt found Zuzana again until ZWOW 8 i think, so will be a new challenge for me.  About to check it out and remind myself of how scary it is.  The fact the video is in 2 parts worries me lol.

Wish me luck and if anyone wants to join me, please comment below and we can do this together :)


Sunday 15 July 2012


Time - 14.48

Proud of that time, not as great as Zuzana obviously but still impressed I did it in less than 15 minutes.  Its the burpees which slow me down every time, the actual workout didnt take that long.  You would think I would be good at burpees now after all the practice I get, I just hate them lol.  Think I need a stronger core.

Anyways just a quick post before I shower.  Also did 5km cycle today, yay me lol!!

Em x


Hello All,

I made this video last night and thought I would share it on my blog too.
Let me know if you like it.

If any of the pictures are of you, I hope you take it as a compliment that I have used you in my footage, no disrespect intended only Fitspiration.

Oh and update on the ZWOW challenge.  I will be starting it on August 1st, everyone is welcome!!

Emily xxx

Tuesday 3 July 2012

ZWOW 23 and 24

Oh my, Im knackered.

Zwow 23 is a killer, Im sure my form sucked on the second set of yoga burpees but I hate dive bombers so I digress.

Zwow 24 wasnt so bad until I realised I only did 2 rounds compared to Zuzanas 4 so maybe Ill push a little harder next time.

But at least both are done now, been concentrating on my cycling for the last week.  Wanted to hit 110 miles for the month of June and I did it so Im happy.  Now I am setting the challenge of 150 miles for July, one always needs to set goals.

Off to cycle now, doubt Ill do very far considering my legs are sore after all those burpees.


Tuesday 19 June 2012

ZWOW 22 - I did it


That was very rough but did it in 12 minutes and 38 seconds.  Not doing the push ups with the burpees made a massive difference and I used a step this time rather than a bar stool.  I feel good.

I cycled 1km before and after too, just to keep my distances up on runkeeper.

I am pooped!!


Saturday 16 June 2012

ZWOW 22 = Epic Fail

So just 'attempted' to do ZWOW 22 and wow it is HARD.

Managed to get to 9 squat jumps before throwing in the towel, or to be more accurate throwing my interval timer across the room in a little paddy.

It got to the point where it was taking me the entire minute to do the 4 burpees with good form, Id just jump up on the final one, peek to see what exercise I was up to and the timer would go off, so back to the burpees Id go, after 3 times of this the interval timer felt the brunt of my anger as well as the floor.  I stomped upstairs to the shower in a huff.

Now that I have calmed down I feel like I should have taken 2 minutes to pull myself together and continue or just skip the burpees and just do the normal moves, but arent we always so smart with hindsight on our sides?  I have never lost my temper with a workout before so this just shows that either Im getting soft or this workout is hard as balls!!

I might try this again tomorrow (if I can lift my arms, owie), if not, this is a challenge for Monday.  I will complete it before ZWOW 23 is posted! I WILL!!

Emily xxx

Thursday 7 June 2012

ZWOW Challenge?

So I been thinking and I really love challenges and Ive had an idea.

Once there is 30 ZWOW workouts I am going to do a ZWOW every day for a month, starting from 1 and going through to the end.

Anyone in?

Emily xx

ps, I cycled today WOOOHOOOO!!!

Monday 4 June 2012

Working out at home

So I am mega shy and would never workout in a gym unless I was super fit, I get a really RED face when I workout and I sweat and smell and my face jiggles when I run, not something I want to do in front of strangers.

So I workout at home.... except, I dont want to do those things in front of people I know either so I only ever workout when Im alone in the house, which isnt very often, hence the blog about being fat!

I know this is something I just need to get over but I dont know how.....


Saturday 2 June 2012

Day ? - Need to cycle

So my hubby set me a challenge to cycle 5km every single day for one month.  We agreed on June, well its the 2nd and I havent cycled yet......

Em x

Saturday 26 May 2012

Day 4: Off the band waggon

Well that didnt take long did it lol.
Couldnt exercise yesterday as I had a banging headache but I still feel bad about it, but not too bad as I havent cycled today either.  In all fairness I did go on a 8.6 mile hike with the hubby but I still feel like I should have cycled.
I will cycle tomorrow!!

Thursday 24 May 2012

Day 2: No Change

So I am in my second day and I have managed to cycle on both days, I also managed to squeeze in a walk as well.
My eating has been terrible as always.  I need to work on that....


Sunday 20 May 2012

New Start...

So I have decided to try and loose weight (how original right?).
This blog will be the testament of my journey and of course my failures and hopefully my eventual success.
There will be no goals, Ill know when I'm there :-)

As unsightly as these images may be, this is my starting point:
Weight: 130lbs 
BMI: 23.8